Works / Painting / Twofold Alone 2021
Works / Painting / Shine of Nature / 2016-2020

The researcher at the `laboratory of Life`has been quit and excistence has a lifelong contract with him . . . 120 x 80 cm 2018

The heritage gives occasion to leaving and refraiming . . . Arcilic on canvas 120 x 80 cm 2016

He is not alive anymore because he can`t loose his face . . Arcilic on canvas 120 x 80 cm 2016

He hit the wall and discovers himself in a wall-less world . . . Acrilic on canvas, 120 x 80 cm 2017

Diversity and simplicity embrace and sing unanimously. . . Acrylic on canvas 120 x 120 cm 2017

A black African sits in a pitch-black space. He can no longer be seen, and sees himself bright and clear . . . Acryl on canvas 120 x 120 cm 2017

He lets the postman into his houseand both become guests in this house . . . Acrylic on canvas 80 x 120 cm 2020

Playfully he enjoys the picnic on the razors edge . . . Acrylic on canvas 200 x 110 cm 2019